![]() NARRATIVEThe physical and chemical phenomena proceeding in the upper atmosphere and the ionosphere occur in the conditions and the scales which are not available in usual laboratories. Moreover, it is possible to create such non-equilibrium conditions under studying the response of an environment on the external perturbations which are difficult for realizing on the Earth generally. Problems existing here are of interest for a wide range of the investigators working in various areas of a science and techniques. At the same time it is necessary to carry out the additional researches which are connected with the high human activity in the atmosphere - ionosphere system, leading to occurrence of new risks. They concern with an active development of the manned and uninhabited orbital systems, aircraft (including the using height of an average atmosphere), new kinds of communication, long-distance transmission circuit, etc. Non-stationary atmosphere - ionosphere system is the subject of powerful natural affects. Its bottom level is disturbed by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, typhoons, thunder-storms. From above it is influenced by the geomagnetic storm. As a result of these processes such disturbing factors, as powerful atmospheric perturbations, electric currents, electromagnetic radiations in the various spectrum ranges, the plasma and optical disturbances, an accelerated particles, the increased level of a radioactivity, and changing of ionic and molecular components. Besides, the microwave radiation of highly excited particles of the ionosphere accompanying the processes of increase of solar activity and appearance of the magnetic storms exerts negative influence on the mankind. Its spectrum, apparently, is completely defined by the neutral ionosphere components. The knowledge of the influencing factor origin allows to use them for disaster monitoring and to create the corresponding techniques on this base. The International conference "Atmosphere, ionosphere, safety" (AIS-2008) is devoted to: (i) analysis of the atmosphere-ionosphere response on natural and man-made processes, the reasons of occurrence of the various accompanying geophysical phenomena, and an estimation of possible consequences of their influence on the person and technological systems; (ii) studying of the monitoring possibility and search of the ways for the risk level decrease. Discussion of the physical and chemical processes accompanying the observable geophysical phenomena is supposed. This work will be carried out in the frame work of the following sections.
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